Sunday, February 10, 2008

comments on the novel project "ALIAS GRACE"

First of all, as every body know, I came one week late. then i had join a group and choose a novel to work on it. I've chosen ALIAS GRACE because I heard that'is interesting and also because it is a long novel. I did that to push my self to read more. certainly, it is a very interinsting book in terms of learing a lot about the history of upper canada. Also, I liked a lot MARGARET ATWOOD's style of writing, and how she uses the metaphore to express a funny comparing .....


Helen said...

Hi,Nour.Alias Grace is a big challenge to foreign reader, you chose to pick up the challenge and you reach your goal successfully.I'm really glad that you enjoy reading and to be a good partner of us...

Geraldine aKa The Point said...

Well,Nour, congratulation for having read the book beside the lack of time. Really, I agree when Helen mentioned that reading such a book is a real challenge. But we all did it so we discovered that we have the capacity to do it.