Wednesday, February 27, 2008

jadging the others wrongly.....

I personally that this expression Oh, Great Spirit, Keep me from ever judging a man until I’ve walked in his moccasins.”, has a great meaning because it reveals a lot about judging people without reasons, and even though we pretend knowing the reasons. Judging the others wrongly is a popular phenomenon that appears a long time ago especially with discriminating black and white persons. Also, recently we feel that unfairness more towards Muslim communities, and we relate them to terrorists, despite the fact that we are all convinced that they are not all related to that terrible acts. It is the society that affects our perception of things. Lets take the same second example which is muslin-terrorists; the media affects a lot our judging behavior towards those stigmatized communities. Those who perceive in that manner don’t really realize that they are not reasonable to make that wrong judgment, and don’t even feel how they feel when they are categorized and distinguished from others. Other concrete example is that when someone looses one of his or her family especially someone who is close, he or she feels sad and pain for that lost, however those who try to give condolences, don’t even feel what that person feels, but they try to behave like feeling it. Others try to say that, that person should be enough strong to deal with that lost and expect that from him or her. And if not they judge them as weaker person……..
I personally try to not judge people in a bad way …. But as we all know we should have some critical thinking ……

Sunday, February 10, 2008

comments on the novel project "ALIAS GRACE"

First of all, as every body know, I came one week late. then i had join a group and choose a novel to work on it. I've chosen ALIAS GRACE because I heard that'is interesting and also because it is a long novel. I did that to push my self to read more. certainly, it is a very interinsting book in terms of learing a lot about the history of upper canada. Also, I liked a lot MARGARET ATWOOD's style of writing, and how she uses the metaphore to express a funny comparing .....